Tarkov Why Is My Isurence Not Coming Back Prapor Glitched

Jul 31, 2004

Noice, where did you find your docs case outta curiosity?

Akion posted:

Sometimes I wonder if the bush shooters is some sort of LoD thing where if you are far enough away they can see you. I know they recently tweaked grass rendering because of this.

Yeah I think at least some of the shady deaths are due to LOD, it's so hilariously bad in this game. Plenty of bushes just straight up disappear. One time I was having a shootout with an AI in the south extract parking lot of Shoreline, and you know those planters on the right side, that the cars are parked against? The AI moved behind the far ones all the way down, I'm at the entrance to the southern extract parking lot. Unzoomed, the planters furthest down were just gone, and I could see his silhouette "out in the open." Zoomed down my optic, and bam the planters pop in and block the shot. Lol wth

Here's another example from reddit:

Tricky thing to balance though, it's def WIP

In other news, 366 TKM might not be garbage?

http://tarkovballistics.blogspot.de/ posted:


This new cartridge is among the most devastating in the game. The Geksa tops out at 75 (3 meters) and is reasonably accurate.

The Geksa will always create a bleeding wound with 1 HP damage after hitting class 2 armor

# ? Nov 10, 2017 22:24
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# ? Dec 16, 2021 17:44
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May 7, 2006
Grimey Drawer
So I've been doing naked runs on customs/shoreline/woods with just my T-Bag stack in my secure container to grind strength. I just came out of one with Fort and an M4. The M4 was on a dead PMC, whose buddies apparently couldn't get all his stuff out since they left his Rig + mags + M4. Poor bastard is just getting the front sight back on insurance.

Fort was on a Scav in front of Gas Station that someone else had killed.

# ? Nov 10, 2017 23:03
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Dec 31, 2008

A bouncy little mouse!

Marked room floor

Me and a buddy dunked on two crazy geared players who were looting customs. We had set up to ambush and they both went inside the office when I lit them up with my MP5SD and got themselves trapped. We just kept them trapped in there and slowly worked them down when they peeked and tried to make things happen. Had trizips, supressed MPX, VSS, Comtacs and all the bullshit you'd expect along with that. This game is absolutely hilarious when you just ruin someone's day. Stops being so funny when you realize you have to get out with all the poo poo, though.

Faffel fucked around with this message at 00:20 on Nov 11, 2017

# ? Nov 10, 2017 23:45
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Jan 15, 2011

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

just died for the 5th time trying to complete prapor's second quest. should i just rush the loving key as a scav and run back, and just run to the truck over and over again as a pmc until i can get it in the secure container? I had a guy just silent smg me in the back right as I was opening the door.
# ? Nov 11, 2017 03:35
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Aug 12, 2012


frank.club posted:

just died for the 5th time trying to complete prapor's second quest. should i just rush the loving key as a scav and run back, and just run to the truck over and over again as a pmc until i can get it in the secure container? I had a guy just silent smg me in the back right as I was opening the door.

I don't think you can put it in your secure. It's a quest item, so it's weird and doesn't actually go in your inventory.

What you should do is join the Discord and get some of us to run through it with you.

There are at least three of us on right now and I guarantee we can get you through it.

# ? Nov 11, 2017 03:44
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Somebody Awful
Nov 27, 2011

Kill Em All 1917
I am trench man
410,757,864,530 SHELLS FIRED

Finally had a good round. Spawned as a scav at night on Customs, near the UN checkpoint at the exit end of the map. Heard some shots, so I took my .366 Vepr with no stock or dust cover and wandered over to the gas station. Saw a pile of dead bodies at the front door and decided to sit in the bushes for a bit, and then a player walked right past me. I capped him, waited a little longer to make sure he was alone, then grabbed his stuff and booked it.

He must have already looted the other stiffs because he had a tricked out AKM, a 7.62 Vepr, and four Baikal shotguns crammed inside two backpacks.

# ? Nov 11, 2017 03:49
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Jan 15, 2011

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

LuciferMorningstar posted:

I don't think you can put it in your secure. It's a quest item, so it's weird and doesn't actually go in your inventory.

What you should do is join the Discord and get some of us to run through it with you.

There are at least three of us on right now and I guarantee we can get you through it.

jesus christ, yeah i found this out as soon as I actually got to it. it's loving insane to have newer players try to complete this for a low level task
# ? Nov 11, 2017 04:32
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Jan 17, 2007

No more Mr. Nice Gaius

This is the watch quest right?

Grab the pocketwatch out of the truck and just turn around, don't continue through the hole in the fence towards the bus station.

It's much safer going along the left side of the map past the dorms. The bus station is the primary combat zone of the map so if you avoid going there entirely you are much better off, even if it means backtracking towards other players. The hole in the wall to bus station just makes you completely vulnerable from the left right, front and back if you get stuck there, and gives you limited options for falling back.

If you are having problems with the checkpoint there is a sick jump you can do to avoid the checkpoint entirely. It's near the gas station and puts you into the big courtyard. Sprint up the rubble pile and jump through the barbed wire at the top of the fence.

You can either rush the watch and then get to the left side of the map before people are even across the river, or you can wait until most players are way ahead of you.

AbortRetryFail fucked around with this message at 04:59 on Nov 11, 2017

# ? Nov 11, 2017 04:55
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Jan 15, 2011

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

just squaded with goons and got the quest done one the first try lol
# ? Nov 11, 2017 06:00
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Apr 3, 2011

Nap Ghost
PSA: If you're using the Marked Key and loot the marked room, look everywhere. I did a couple quick runs before work tonight, and found not only an MPX, but an MP5SD and about 5k rubles just randomly around on the floor. This was after someone had already been in there (I came up to an open door). Things spawn everywhere in that room, not just in the summoners circle. For reference, I found both guns on the left side of the room, in the dark area just behind the books that are stacked on the ground. Not quite all the way to the far wall, but if you go in you'll see what I mean.

Just take your time and look all over that room. poo poo can and will spawn all over it.

# ? Nov 11, 2017 06:25
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Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

sometimes goons can be good for something
# ? Nov 11, 2017 08:02
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Jul 20, 2006


A lot of the tasks in the game are infuriating. The first task for Skier is to have a set of the best armor in the game, which is rarely spawned, and the quest is loving timed so if you don't know ahead of time not to take it you get screwed. (Do you though? I'm not sure if there's a penalty for failure since my buddy warned me not to take the quest until I could fulfill it). A lot of my frustration with the tasks comes from not knowing what items are needed ahead of time. If I knew I needed 10 face scarves I would have saved them from the get go, poo poo's dumb.
# ? Nov 11, 2017 08:12
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Apr 3, 2011

Nap Ghost

Sokani posted:

A lot of the tasks in the game are infuriating. The first task for Skier is to have a set of the best armor in the game, which is rarely spawned, and the quest is loving timed so if you don't know ahead of time not to take it you get screwed. (Do you though? I'm not sure if there's a penalty for failure since my buddy warned me not to take the quest until I could fulfill it). A lot of my frustration with the tasks comes from not knowing what items are needed ahead of time. If I knew I needed 10 face scarves I would have saved them from the get go, poo poo's dumb.

There's no penalty for not completing the quest, you just have to go back and accept it again. Honestly, just don't accept it until you actually collected the Fort and Kiver, now that you know.

As far as the quests go, not telling you what's required is fine by me. If they told me what was required, and I saw that it was a timed quest, I'd do the same thing and not accept it until I had all the items. The devs are trying to challenge you by not telling you what you need to do/find before you accept the timed quest. Yes, I know it's dumb because you can always just see what you need, fail, then get the poo poo before you accept again, but circumventing the system like that isn't what the devs had in mind. They had the idea to make you work for it, and if you fail, you at least had a go of it, and now you know what you need to do.

As far as finding the Fort/Kiver, there are plenty of scavs who spawn with both, you just have to be faster than the players to get them, or wait until the later stages of the raid where (supposedly) more scavs spawn in with them. Also don't neglect to keep refreshing Fence, because sometimes he'll have them for sale because someone was dumb enough to sell them. I see Kivers there all the time, Fort is there, but more rare.

# ? Nov 11, 2017 08:38
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Jul 21, 2003

Zipperelli. posted:

There's no penalty for not completing the quest, you just have to go back and accept it again. Honestly, just don't accept it until you actually collected the Fort and Kiver, now that you know.

As far as the quests go, not telling you what's required is fine by me. If they told me what was required, and I saw that it was a timed quest, I'd do the same thing and not accept it until I had all the items. The devs are trying to challenge you by not telling you what you need to do/find before you accept the timed quest. Yes, I know it's dumb because you can always just see what you need, fail, then get the poo poo before you accept again, but circumventing the system like that isn't what the devs had in mind. They had the idea to make you work for it, and if you fail, you at least had a go of it, and now you know what you need to do.

As far as finding the Fort/Kiver, there are plenty of scavs who spawn with both, you just have to be faster than the players to get them, or wait until the later stages of the raid where (supposedly) more scavs spawn in with them. Also don't neglect to keep refreshing Fence, because sometimes he'll have them for sale because someone was dumb enough to sell them. I see Kivers there all the time, Fort is there, but more rare.

I took a rep hit and lost the chest armour I turned in due to the timer. So there is a penalty. That does suck rear end for a new player.
# ? Nov 11, 2017 08:43
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Apr 3, 2011

Nap Ghost

Raged posted:

I took a rep hit and lost the chest armour I turned in due to the timer. So there is a penalty. That does suck rear end for a new player.

Huh. The first time I failed it I didn't take a rep hit. They must have implemented it, or fixed it.
# ? Nov 11, 2017 09:04
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Aug 12, 2012

Uhhhh... You know the medbag behind the Customs gas station exit? Be sure to check the ground next to it. I found an M4 there. I'm assuming some idiot didn't decide to just leave his rifle for shits and giggles.
# ? Nov 11, 2017 09:27
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Apr 3, 2011

Nap Ghost

LuciferMorningstar posted:

Uhhhh... You know the medbag behind the Customs gas station exit? Be sure to check the ground next to it. I found an M4 there. I'm assuming some idiot didn't decide to just leave his rifle for shits and giggles.

Oh poo poo! That's where I dropped my M4! I'll hop on later so you can give it back to me. Thanks for grabbing it! :ninja:
# ? Nov 11, 2017 10:11
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Dec 31, 2008

A bouncy little mouse!

Gun also spawn inside the gas station extract and I found a VAL in there before.

Also Skier's quest made me incredibly mad then we found 4 forts on scavs in one day. Tarkov is capricious.

# ? Nov 11, 2017 18:55
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Nov 4, 2009

Serious Business

I found an AK-74 and I kinda love it. Problem is in order to get I back again with a scope I need to level the Russian trader to two. So I said gently caress it and I leveled Peacekeeper to two so I can get a scope and fully auto smg. No regrets at all, poo poo is awesome.

The quests are kind of annoying. I will eventually do them, but yeah not really too fun.

# ? Nov 11, 2017 19:42
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Jun 20, 2013

shoot men, receive credits
I keep finding all maxed out and dolled up guns, and than I keep them safe in my storage until it's full. So I go and sell them. I never use them in missions because I fear I'd lose them, but I lose them anyway from lack of storage space. I'm terrible at this, but I have fun shooting people in the face, so that's OK.
# ? Nov 11, 2017 19:48
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Nov 4, 2009

Serious Business

Feindfeuer posted:

I keep finding all maxed out and dolled up guns, and than I keep them safe in my storage until it's full. So I go and sell them. I never use them in missions because I fear I'd lose them, but I lose them anyway from lack of storage space. I'm terrible at this, but I have fun shooting people in the face, so that's OK.

I am slowly getting over that fear.


# ? Nov 11, 2017 20:21
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May 4, 2011

LuciferMorningstar posted:

Uhhhh... You know the medbag behind the Customs gas station exit? Be sure to check the ground next to it. I found an M4 there. I'm assuming some idiot didn't decide to just leave his rifle for shits and giggles.

The spot next to that medbag can spawn almost any item in the game, and it has a fairly high chance to spawn really rare poo poo like docs cases.
# ? Nov 11, 2017 21:19
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Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012
Finished my kill 14 scavs easy enough , thanks to goons last night I just has 1 more to kill today and it was an easy TT headshot.

Earned me an sks which I then used to dome a geared player up on top of the big rock right on the water beside the res mill building. No idea how to get up there but his friend sprayed me down with an m4 right after so it doesn't matter. Looked like a really good campy spot though

Does anyone have a 204 or whatever key it is they can lend me for the water tank quest from the medical lady ?

# ? Nov 11, 2017 22:24
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Ciprian Maricon
Feb 27, 2006
I've lost 500K rubles today to some lag, anyone know whats going on server wise today?
# ? Nov 12, 2017 02:54
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Ciprian Maricon
Feb 27, 2006
That makes sense.

At least I no longer have to worry about spending enough to level up my traders

# ? Nov 12, 2017 03:20
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Apr 3, 2011

Nap Ghost
Hopping on in like 45 minutes if anyone wants a little goon on goon action
# ? Nov 12, 2017 03:36
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May 7, 2006
Grimey Drawer

Blue On Blue posted:

Does anyone have a 204 or whatever key it is they can lend me for the water tank quest from the medical lady ?

I do. Probably be on tomorrow PM.
# ? Nov 12, 2017 03:52
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Jul 31, 2004

Ok so what is the deal with the blacked out stomach. What is the intended behavior and is it true that some part of the mechanic was bugged out? Is it still bugged out?

Was very sad to facesmash 2 geared USUCs in customs dorms who broke my legs earlier running across landbridge (I didn't want to PVP dammit!) only to die of dehydration 5 minutes later because there were no popups, no tunnel vision, loving nothing, just keeling over. I didn't even notice hydration was at zero till I watched it again on shadowplay.

After typing all that out I now realize it must be bugged. No hydration warning icon, no coughing, no blurry vision, just keeled over suddenly despite being fine everywhere else. feelsbad :(

# ? Nov 12, 2017 21:37
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Jul 2, 2009

mellowjournalism posted:

Ok so what is the deal with the blacked out stomach. What is the intended behavior and is it true that some part of the mechanic was bugged out? Is it still bugged out?

Was very sad to facesmash 2 geared USUCs in customs dorms who broke my legs earlier running across landbridge (I didn't want to PVP dammit!) only to die of dehydration 5 minutes later because there were no popups, no tunnel vision, loving nothing, just keeling over. I didn't even notice hydration was at zero till I watched it again on shadowplay.

After typing all that out I now realize it must be bugged. No hydration warning icon, no coughing, no blurry vision, just keeled over suddenly despite being fine everywhere else. feelsbad :(

It's unclear what the intended behavior is, before the patch they said that a broken stomach would mean that you would be unable to eat/drink anymore. Since the patch has been released, it seems like they changed their minds and it just makes you dehydrate really fast but still be able to eat/drink. In the first day or so after the patch came out you would dehydrate in about a minute. Nikita said that that was a bug, and it's been since changed to the current 5ish or so minutes. So it seems like they changed the mechanic around shortly before the patch launched and either didn't think, or didn't have time to add some more obvious "You are dying" effects or something.

It's still pretty loving obnoxious and I wish they would tie the dehydration to a status effect that you can cure like fractures. It's pretty loving lame to just have to bumrush the exit or hide your valuable insured poo poo in a bush to have any chance of getting it back.

# ? Nov 12, 2017 22:29
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Aug 12, 2012


T800 posted:

It's unclear what the intended behavior is, before the patch they said that a broken stomach would mean that you would be unable to eat/drink anymore. Since the patch has been released, it seems like they changed their minds and it just makes you dehydrate really fast but still be able to eat/drink. In the first day or so after the patch came out you would dehydrate in about a minute. Nikita said that that was a bug, and it's been since changed to the current 5ish or so minutes. So it seems like they changed the mechanic around shortly before the patch launched and either didn't think, or didn't have time to add some more obvious "You are dying" effects or something.

It's still pretty loving obnoxious and I wish they would tie the dehydration to a status effect that you can cure like fractures. It's pretty loving lame to just have to bumrush the exit or hide your valuable insured poo poo in a bush to have any chance of getting it back.

This isn't what people have observed though. I've seen the following things happen:

1. My stomach gets shot out. I observe this and note tunnel vision sets in as I slowly die. I know exactly what is going on.

2. My stomach gets shot out. I observe this and rush the exit, but drop dead out of the blue.

3. My stomach gets shot out, but I don't notice. As I'm wandering toward the exit, I check my health panel and see my stomach is gone and I have 0/100 hydration. I make it to the exit with no ill effects.

Regardless of what the intended behavior is, the whole mechanic is ridiculously inconsistent.

# ? Nov 12, 2017 22:34
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Aug 7, 2013
Just got the game, the insurance system reminds me of tagging weapons in shiren the wanderer. Actually a lot about the game reminds me of shiren the wanderer. Anyway, I'm having a lot of fun.
# ? Nov 13, 2017 00:00
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Apr 3, 2011

Nap Ghost
Yeah, the dehydration thing is definitely bugged. I've had my stomach blacked out, and have had anything from just dehydrating down to zero, then nothing happen, to my health start to slowly drop, and last night, I saw my energy start to drop off once I was totally dehydrated. I think I've only gotten an indicator that I was dying once, with tunnel vision. Any other time I would just drop dead.
# ? Nov 13, 2017 01:51
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May 7, 2006
Grimey Drawer
Apparently popping painkillers will stave off the dehydration for a bit. I've gotten my stomach nuked and still made it out by popping pills like the junkie I am.
# ? Nov 13, 2017 02:03
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Jul 2, 2009

LuciferMorningstar posted:

This isn't what people have observed though. I've seen the following things happen:

1. My stomach gets shot out. I observe this and note tunnel vision sets in as I slowly die. I know exactly what is going on.

2. My stomach gets shot out. I observe this and rush the exit, but drop dead out of the blue.

3. My stomach gets shot out, but I don't notice. As I'm wandering toward the exit, I check my health panel and see my stomach is gone and I have 0/100 hydration. I make it to the exit with no ill effects.

Regardless of what the intended behavior is, the whole mechanic is ridiculously inconsistent.

Yeah, sorry. I totally intended to mention that despite what I said, that's only a "what happens most of the time" and that it still likes to do random poo poo that doesn't make any sense. It seems like you dehydrate down to zero, then bleed all of your health out like you have a bad bleed. I've also went down to zero and then just dropped dead a minute later despite my health not being visibly affected. I've only noticed damage effects probably about 1/3rd of the time that I've suffered a blacked-out stomach, so I don't even look for them at this point.
# ? Nov 13, 2017 02:51
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Nov 4, 2009

Serious Business

Anyone know how long insured items last when they get returned to you? I gotta work tomorrow and I got a poo poo load of returned item heading back to me.
# ? Nov 13, 2017 05:08
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Jan 17, 2007

No more Mr. Nice Gaius

Mesadoram posted:

Anyone know how long insured items last when they get returned to you? I gotta work tomorrow and I got a poo poo load of returned item heading back to me.

It used to be 48 hours but I think it is 24 now.
# ? Nov 13, 2017 06:34
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Ciprian Maricon
Feb 27, 2006
It depends on which vendor you bought the insurance from.

Prapor is the cheap option, stuff comes back two days late and you only get a day to get it back.

Therapist gives your stuff the next day and gives you two days to get it back IIRC.

# ? Nov 13, 2017 17:37
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# ? Dec 16, 2021 17:44
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Nov 4, 2009

Serious Business

Ciprian Maricon posted:

It depends on which vendor you bought the insurance from.

Prapor is the cheap option, stuff comes back two days late and you only get a day to get it back.

Therapist gives your stuff the next day and gives you two days to get it back IIRC.

Interesting. Thank you!
# ? Nov 13, 2017 17:44
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Tarkov Why Is My Isurence Not Coming Back Prapor Glitched

Source: https://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3836796&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=18

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